Meet our Newest Program Coordinators

The Girls & Boys Brigade has welcomed several new staff members this year, including two fantastic program coordinators who joined our team this January! Curly Fernandez and Hannah Rose come from completely different backgrounds, but they are unified in their efforts to provide engaging, meaningful programs for young people. To highlight their unique perspectives, we’ve asked each of them to answer a few questions about their colleague. Here’s what they said.

What’s your colleague’s superpower at work?

Curly: Hannah’s superpower is to take creative ideas and turn them into concrete learning outcomes. It’s phenomenal how she does that. Hannah is also always super positive and is a ‘gas’. It’s an Irish term she taught me.  Gas meaning ‘a laugh’. She’s easy to collaborate with, flexible and always says yes even to my crazier ideas.

Hannah: Curly’s superpower at work is being empathetic, creative, and artistic. Curly can tap into creativity in any situation. I love how “out there” his ideas are and how he then manages to put them into practice.

What’s one word that best describes your co-worker?

Curly: A word I would use is focused. Hannah’s great at focusing on one thing at a time and being clear with communication.

Hannah: A word I would use to describe Curly is adaptable. Curly can easily embrace new responsibilities and is quite adaptable with his approach. He’s always open to new ideas.

If your colleague were a fictional character, who would they be and why?

Curly: If Hannah was a character, she’d be Mary Anne from Gilligan’s Island. Super wholesome, helpful and with a ‘survivor’ streak.

Hannah: Culy would be a real-life version of Willy Wonka. They both have the same creative thinking and whimsical spirit. They are both full of new ideas, and they love performances and the arts!

What’s one thing that your colleague does that inspires you?

Curly: Hannah carries around a little hairbrush that she uses throughout the day. She takes her time and brushes it to its ends. I have hair that generally doesn’t move so when she pulls out a brush – “her thinking brush” I sort of go into a trance. It’s like something out of a movie.

Hannah: Curly is really optimistic which makes it exciting to work on things together. No idea is ever a bad idea, he always manages to put his ideas into practice.

We are so excited to have Curly and Hannah on The Girls & Boys Brigade team!